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Thread: {M} Falderon: The Beckoning (IC)

  1. #121
    Chihana's Avatar
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    Genovian eyed the pup in front of him, then the angel dude, until Nalria's voice finally reached him. He stood for a moment, grinding his teeth before sheathing his sword, and settled with kicking the beardless dwarf in the crouch, before nodding to his guards who released the two. The beardless one glared angrily at Genovian, whom had turned his back to the rest, while the other one nodded thankfully to the apprentices. The two limped away from the scene, and left the group alone with their missing airship.

    "What are we to do now?" one of the guards asked, but clearly regretted it when Genovian shot him an intensive glare.

    "Well we're going to shut down the hole operation of course!" he said with a furious sarcasm as he walked over to the young recruit who shrimped under the glare of his commander "Then we'll go to yer bloody mom's house, and have a GREAT time, won't we?!" Genovian spat on the poor lad's shoe, before turning around with a furious motion "We wait, you moron. Ther's not much else to do, is there?!" Genovian was obviously annoyed at the situation. This was not what he had planned.

    "Stay on yer toes, I don't want any more bloody robbers going through the king's treasures." the general growled as he sat down on one of the boxes.

    The guard shook the spat off his shoe, though making sure Genovian didn't see him do it, before all five of the guards walked around the docking bay, seeing if anything else of importance was missing.
    Last edited by Chihana; 03-10-2014 at 05:23 PM.

    Image made by mah buddeh~!

    For all who read my blog I AM GETTING BETTER. I'm not all there yet, but I'm not down the pit anymore Don't worry about me, I'll pull through. Thank you everyone who were there for me

  2. #122
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    Nalria released a quiet sigh of relief when Genovian spared the dwarves, though she winced when one of them received a rather brash kick to the genitals. She watched dully as they scampered away, pondering the steadily decreasing quality of the world, then looked at Jona.

    “Well,” she stated quietly, “it could have been worse.”

    With another sigh that was anything but relieved, the elf walked back to her horse, stroked its muzzle and whispered something to it in elvish, then started toward a nearby tavern. The stallion stayed obediently close to the docks with the guards. Nalria’s amethyst eyes landed on Jackson as she passed, though her expression was unreadable, and then looked at Layla questioningly, but she continued past them with no more than a nod and pushed her way into the tavern.

    It was dark, smelled of rotting meat and sour wine, and buzzed with raucous activity, though there was, unexpectedly, no fighting--yet. Nalria kept a stern eye on her surroundings and walked with her head held high, letting the all-too-curious onlookers know that she was not easy prey. She would not have entered the dump at all, but there was no better place to hear the news of the world than in a tavern--especially a tavern on the docks.

    The elf strode to the bar and placed a copper on the worn counter. The barkeep took it and looked at her expectantly, and with a lecherous gleam that she hardly appreciated.

    “Your best wine,” Nalria said shortly.

    “A dull copper for the best in stock?” the barkeep questioned with a greedy grin.

    “Considering the ‘best in stock’ is likely worth less than a wooden splinter, you should think me quite generous. Or would you prefer no copper at all for no wine?”

    The grin vanished. Nalria met his baleful gaze until he pocketed the copper and sauntered off.

    “I would like to watch you pour it, if you do not mind,” Nalria called after him with the tiniest smile playing on her purple lips. Grumbling, he set a relatively clean mug before her and poured the crimson liquid, a surprisingly decent vintage, into it. She nodded her thanks, slid another copper to him much to his delight, and sipped experimentally. She was pleasantly surprised to find it quite fresh.
    Set by the masterful Karma

  3. #123
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    Nirel hated Ekyisium, it was hot, humid, the people were rude at best, hateful and cruel at worst. She hated the clothing and how thin and tight it often was. And she hated the obsession with money. It seemed that everyone wanted it and most would sell out their own brother for it. So it was no surprise when the party came to Hawkreach that she just averted her eyes and focused on the sweet frozen air of her mountain home. However her sweet sweet memories were disturbed when J'ni talked about her parents owning a gnomish slave whom made pies for her. "Really? So she is more of a maidservant than a slave to your parents?" Nirel whispered to J'ni so only the fairy could hear.

    As the party made it to the docks Nirel remembered another reason why she hated the human kingdom. They almost never kept their promises or their oaths. And it was honestly one of the biggest reasons she wanted to leave the kingdom as soon as possible. "Humans are such cruel beings.." Nirel muttered then she dismounted her horse and found a place where she could sit outside and not get burned by the sun, something that had already happened on the ride to the wretched city on her ears

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    Strength before weakness,
    Journey before destination."
    -The First Ideal

  4. #124
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    Arya had remained focused during his travels…but couldn’t help shake the feeling of being even heavier now. The Air Nymph did wonder if it was Jonathan’s doing, he could see him looking to him intermittently.

    The Human city of Hawksreach was terrible; he couldn’t help but put a hand over his mouth. So much of it was against his very nature…there was no nature here. Then the scream and the unfortunate slave only continued to darken this ‘quest’. The variances in Humans was astounding.

    And when the thieves came…he remained still. These were the affairs of Genovian, despite the other apprentices thinking otherwise. Keeping his head low, he waited for all the tragedy and drama to blow over. When they thieves were dragged away, he felt able to act.

    Arya approached Jona, using light air magic to help him float majestically. He showed an aerial grace that only the unique Nymph of air could. At Jona’s eyelevel Arya struggled to give him eye contact.

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    Spoiler: Memorable Quotes 

  5. #125
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    Jona was grateful for Nalria's input, and nodded at her statement about how the situation could have gone worse. With a deep sigh he looked around, not really knowing what he should spent his next hour doing, while they waited for the ship to arrive. That was when he noticed Arya in front of him.

    The poor lad seemed mighty shy, and Jona was happy, if not proud to hear him speak without stammering too much.

    "Yeah, I hope you don't mind," he said, scratching his neck a bit before looking around "It seems like that scarf is helping a great deal though, you might not even need my help in the future." he said with a low chuckle as he locked his attention on the nymph once more.

    Image made by mah buddeh~!

    For all who read my blog I AM GETTING BETTER. I'm not all there yet, but I'm not down the pit anymore Don't worry about me, I'll pull through. Thank you everyone who were there for me

  6. #126
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    Ervin and Zathura were left behind once they rode to the bay.The sun had a beautiful set, and a clear sky was ahead of them. Zathhra turned back into a scarf to allow warmth. The warm, gentle touch made Ervin feel elated with happiness. He wanted to feel his Beloved take him everywhere. Besides, life would never be the same after Genovian summoned the apprentices.

    Ervin squatted down by the bay, Zathura wanted her master to play the blues. He took out his saxophone and he granted her wish.

    ~ There's always a shoulder to cry on ~

  7. #127
    The Scottish Fluff
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    Default {M} Falderon: The Beckoning (IC)

    I've been going back and forth with Mystress of Shadows in her searching for an OOC from 2014! It appears that back in 2014 there was a glitch on the website and the thread of Falderon IC and Blood of Night OOC were merged into one. I am creating this thread as a place holder for the original pages of the IC as there are over 600 pages for the OOC!

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